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Stability is a notion and very wide range of types of nonrecursive ordinals, inspired by the weaker notion of reflection. In general, stability is defined via ranks of \(L\) being similar to each other. The weakest type of stability is \((+1)\)-stable, i.e. \(L_\alpha\) being a \(\Sigma_1\)-elementary substructure of \(L_{\alpha+1}\). In general, \(\alpha\) is \(\beta\)-stable, or stable up to \(\beta\), if \(L_\alpha\) is a \(\Sigma_1\)-elementary substructure of \(L_\beta\). The \((+1)\)-stable ordinals are precisely the ordinals which are \(\Pi^1_0\)-reflecting.<ref name="RichterAczel74">Wayne Richter & Peter Aczel, “Inductive Definitions and Reflecting Properties of Admissible Ordinals”, in: Jens Erik Fenstad & Peter G. Hinman (eds.), Generalized Recursion Theory (Oslo, 1972), North-Holland (1974)</ref><sup>Section 6</sup> The \((+2)\)-stable ordinals are \(\Pi^1_0\)-reflecting on the class of \((+1)\)-stable ordinals,<ref>To be proved on this page</ref> and more, but not yet \(\Pi^1_1\)-reflecting.<ref>To be proved on this page</ref> In general, \((+\eta+1)\)-stable ordinals are significantly greater than \((+\eta)\)-stable ordinals, and then \((\cdot 2)\)-stable ordinals diagonalize over this whole hierarchy. This makes the fine structure of stability useful in [[Ordinal collapsing function|OCFs]] for ordinal analyses of systems beyond [[Kripke-Platek set theory]] with full reflection.
This continues on endlessly. \(\Pi^1_1\)-reflection is reached by an \(\alpha\) which is \(\alpha^+\)-stable.<ref name="RichterAczel74" /><sup>Section 6</sup>
Theorem: Let \(n<\omega\). If \(\alpha\) is \((+n+1)\)-stable, then \(\alpha\) is \(\Pi^1_0\)-reflecting on the class of \((+n)\)-stable ordinals below \(\alpha\).
Corollary: \(\Pi^1_1\)-reflecting ordinals \(\alpha\) are \(\alpha^+\)-stable, therefore they are \(\alpha+3\)-stable. So each \(\Pi^1_1\)-reflecting ordinal is \(\Pi^1_0\)-reflecting on the \((+2)\)-stable ordinals below it.


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