Fodor's lemma

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Revision as of 02:53, 16 October 2022 by C7X (talk | contribs) (Created page with "'''Fodor's lemma''' (or the '''pressing-down lemma''') is a lemma proven by Géza Fodor in 1956. The lemma states that when \(\kappa\) is an uncountable regular cardinal and \(S\) is a stationary set of ordinals \(<\kappa\), any regressive function \(f:S\to\{<\kappa\}\) must be constant on a stationary set of ordinals \(<\kappa\). ==Importance to apierology== Since \(\omega_1\) is regular, setting \(S=\{<\omega_1\}\), Fodor's lemma implies there does not exist a fundame...")
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Fodor's lemma (or the pressing-down lemma) is a lemma proven by Géza Fodor in 1956. The lemma states that when \(\kappa\) is an uncountable regular cardinal and \(S\) is a stationary set of ordinals \(<\kappa\), any regressive function \(f:S\to\{<\kappa\}\) must be constant on a stationary set of ordinals \(<\kappa\).

Importance to apierology

Since \(\omega_1\) is regular, setting \(S=\{<\omega_1\}\), Fodor's lemma implies there does not exist a fundamental sequence system that both assigns a sequence to all countable ordinals, and has the Bachmann property. Fodor's lemma may fail without choice<ref>A. Karagila, Fodor's Lemma can Fail Everywhere</math>, but instead we can use a weakened version known as Neumer's theorem to prove this result, in which the set \(S\) is removed and replaced with \(\{<\kappa\}\) in all cases.

