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== History ==
The first ordinal collapsing function in the literature was Bachmann's \( \psi \) function, which was regarded as novel at the time and was used to calibrate the size of the [[Bachmann-Howard ordinal]]. However, the definition is quite cumbersome. ABachmann's modernmethod "recast",was proposedextended byto Michaeluse Rathjen<ref>Rathjenhigher cardinals, Michaele.g. "Theto Art of Ordinal Analysis"</ref>, is thatuse \( \psi_\Omega(\alpha)Omega_n\) isfor theall least countablefinite \( \rho n\) soby thatPfeiffer thein countable1964 ordinalsand constructibleto fromuse \(\OmegaOmega_\alpha\) and the set of ordinals belowfor \( \max(1, alpha<I\rho) \)by usingIsles thein following1970,<ref>Buchholz, operationsFeferman, arePohlers, all less than \(\rho\): additionSieg, the''Iterated mapInductive \(Definitions \xiand \mapstoSubsystems \omega^\xiof \),Analysis: andRecent \(Proof-Theoretical \psi_\OmegaStudies''. \)Lecture restrictedNotes toin inputsMathematics less than \( \alpha \1981). OfSpringer course,Berlin this definition is condensedHeidelberg, andISBN is usually written in terms of \( C \)-sets9783540386490.</ref> Below isbut thewith moresimilarly formalcumbersome definitiondefinitions.
A modern "recast", proposed by Michael Rathjen<ref>Rathjen, Michael. "The Art of Ordinal Analysis"</ref>, is that \( \psi_\Omega(\alpha)\) is the least countable \( \rho \) so that the countable ordinals constructible from \(\Omega\) and the set of ordinals below \( \max(1, \rho) \) using the following operations are all less than \(\rho\): addition, the map \( \xi \mapsto \omega^\xi \), and \( \psi_\Omega \) restricted to inputs less than \( \alpha \). Of course, this definition is condensed, and is usually written in terms of \( C \)-sets. Below is the more formal definition.
* Let \( \Omega = \aleph_1 \) and \( C_0^\Omega(\alpha, \beta) = \beta \cup \{0, \Omega\} \).