Omega: Difference between revisions

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The [[ordinal]] '''\(\omega\)''', (alsowritten "\(\omega"\), is thedefined first [[infinite ordinal]], first [[limit ordinal]], and first [[admissible ordinal]]. It isas the [[order type]] of the natural numbers <math>\(\mathbb N</math>\). As a [[von Neumann ordinal]], it corresponds to the naturals themselves.
* It is the first [[infinite]] ordinal.
* It is the first [[limit ordinal]].
* It is the first [[admissible ordinal]].
* Using the [[von Neumann cardinal assignment]], it is equal to [[aleph 0|\(\aleph_0\)]].
* It is the smallest ordinal \(\alpha\) such that \(1+\alpha=\alpha\). Every ordinal larger than it has this same property.
* It is the next ordinal after [[0]] that isn't a [[successor ordinal]].
