List of ordinals: Difference between revisions

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* [[1]], the first successor ordinal
* [[omega|\( \omega \)]], the first limit ordinal
* [[omega*2|\( \omega\cdot2 \)]]
* [[omega^2|\( \omega^{2} \)]]
* [[omega^3|\( \omega^{3} \)]]
* [[omega^omega|\( \omega^{\omega} \)]]
* [[epsilon_numbers#zero|\( \psi_{0}(\Omega) = \varphi(1,0) = \varepsilon_{0} \)]]<sup>(sort out page)</sup>
* [[the_veblen_hierarchy#zeta|\( \psi_{0}(\Omega^{2}) = \varphi(2,0) = \zeta_{0} \)]]<sup>(decide if own page)</sup>
* [[the_veblen_hierarchy|\( \psi_{0}(\Omega^{\omega}) = \varphi(\omega,0) \)]]
* [[feferman-schutte_ordinal|\( \psi_{0}(\Omega^{\Omega}) = \varphi(1,0,0) = \Gamma_{0} \)]], the Feferman-Schutte ordinal and the PTO of \( \text{ATR}_{<sub>0} \)</sub>
* [[the_veblen_hierarchy#ackermann|\( \psi_{0}(\Omega^{\Omega^{2}}) = \varphi(1,0,0,0) \)]], the Ackermann Ordinal<sup>(decide if keep)</sup>
* [[small_veblen_ordinal|\( \psi_{0}(\Omega^{\Omega^{\omega}}) = \varphi(1@\omega) \)]], the SVO (Small Veblen ordinal)
* [[large_veblen_ordinal|\( \psi_{0}(\Omega^{\Omega^{\Omega}}) \)]], the LVO (Large Veblen ordinal)
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* [[takeuti-feferman-buchholz_ordinal|\( \psi_{0}(\varepsilon_{\Omega_{\omega} + 1}) \)]], the TFB (Takeuti-Feferman-Buchholz ordinal)
* [[extened_buchholz_ordinal|\( \psi_{0}(\Omega_{\Omega_{\dots}}) \)]], the EBO (Extended Buchholz ordinal)
* \( \psi_{\Omega}(\varepsilon_{I+1}) \), the PTO of \( \text{KPi} \)
* \( \psi_{\Omega}(\psi_{\chi_{\varepsilon_{M+1}}(0)}(0)) \), the PTO of \( \text{KPM} \)
* \( \Psi^{0}_{\Omega}(\varepsilon_{K+1}) \), the PTO of KP+\( \text{KP} + \Pi_{3}\text{)-refl.} \)
* \( \psi_\Omega(\varepsilon_{\mathbb{K}+1}) \), the PTO of \( \text{KP} \) with a \( \Pi_{\mathbb{N}}\text{)-refl.} \) universe under ZF + V = L
* \( \Psi_{\mathbb{X}}^{\varepsilon_{\Upsilon+1}} \), the limit of Jan-Carl Stegert's second [[ordinal_collapsing_function|OCF]] using indescribable cardinals
* PTO of \( \text{Z}_{2} \)
* PTO of \( \text{ZFC} \)
* [[church_kleene_ordinal|\( \omega^{\text{CK}}_{1} \)]]
* RECURSIVE ORDINALS GO HERE<sup>(sort out)</sup>
* STABILITY STUFF GOES HERE<sup>(sort out)</sup>
* [[Infinite_time_Turing_machine|Infinite time Turing machine]] ordinals
** \( \lambda \), the supremum of all writable ordinals
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** \( \Sigma \), the supremum of all accidentally writable ordinals
* The smallest [[gap_ordinals|gap ordinal]]
* MORE STUFF GOES HERE<sup>(sort out)</sup>
==== Uncountables ====