List of ordinals: Difference between revisions

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("recursive ordinals" are ordinals less than w1ck, so this was probably meant to be "recursively large")
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* [[takeuti-feferman-buchholz_ordinal|\( \psi_{0}(\varepsilon_{\Omega_{\omega} + 1}) \)]], the TFBO (Takeuti-Feferman-Buchholz ordinal)
* [[Bird's ordinal|\( \psi_{0}(\Omega_\Omega) \)]], sometimes known as Bird's ordinal
* [[extened_buchholz_ordinalextended_buchholz_ordinal|\( \psi_{0}(\Omega_{\Omega_{\dots}}) \)]], the EBO (Extended Buchholz ordinal)
* \( \psi_{\Omega}(\varepsilon_{\chi_1(0)+1}) \), the PTO of KPi (in Rathjen's Mahlo OCF, also applies to the one below)
* \( \psi_{\Omega}(\psi_{\chi_{\varepsilon_{M+1}}(0)}(0)) \), the PTO of KPM
